Sleeper train is considered as one of the cheapest
ways to reach upper Egypt.
distance from
Cairo to Luxor is 671km (419 miles).
Cairo to Aswan is 879 km (549 miles).
Sleeping Trains is a comfortable and a secured way with excellent service to travel between cairo and the cities in the Nile valley, Luxor and Aswan.
There are day-time trains for country-side enjoyment and over-night trains to save the time by travelling at night.
# | Route | Dep. | Arr. | Dep. | Arr. | Dep. | Arr. |
82 | Alexandria - Cairo - Luxor - Aswan |
Alexandria 17:20 |
Cairo 20:10 |
Cairo 20:30 |
Luxor 5:2 |
Luxor 5:35 |
Aswan 8:50 |
83 | Aswan - Luxor - Cairo - Alexandria |
Aswan 17:00 |
Luxor 20:15 |
Luxor 20:30 |
Cairo 5:35 |
Cairo 6:10 |
Alexandria 9:10 |
# | Route | Dep. | Arr. | Dep. | Arr. |
84 | Cairo - Luxor - Aswan | Cairo 20:00 |
Luxor 5:05 |
Luxor 5:15 |
Aswan 8:15 |
85 | Aswan - Luxor - Cairo | Aswan 18:30 |
Luxor 21:30 |
Luxor 21:40 |
Cairo 6:45 |
86 | Cairo - Luxor - Aswan | Cairo 21:10 |
Luxor 6:10 |
Luxor 6:20 |
Aswan 9:30 |
87 | Aswan - Luxor - Cairo | Aswan 21:20 |
Luxor 00:40 |
Luxor 00:50 |
Cairo 9:30 |
N.B. Kindly note that creative travel is not responsible about any delay for arrival or departure